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  • who would vote these retarded guys again? (水城百事)

by 999, Monday, January 17, 2011, 08:21

In 2006, Harper went to his US buddies in his first budget to promote mortgage 'innovation'

"In his first budget as Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty invited "new players" that is U.S financial corporations -- into Canada's mortgage insurance market and doubled the amount of government money available to back up private insurers from $100 billion to $200 billion."

Flaherty's 2006 budget stated:

"These changes will result in greater choice and innovation in the market for mortgage insurance, benefiting consumers and promoting home ownership."


40% of new mortgages in 2007 bought into these 40 year mortgages

Flaherty ended his "Bad Innovation" the day that Harper was reelected

Harper and Flaherty are lying to Canadians about the economy and have adopted a laissez-faire attitude of
"Don’t worry, be happy" the economy is good...and everything is peachy keen

Now, Harper went his bank buddies and told them NOT to foreclose on defaulted mortgages in order to extend "Harper Rule"

The reality is there are fractures in the marketplace and it is about to hit the fan, hence Harper/Flaherty making announcements and washing their hands

Harper and Flaherty’s economic policies put more fuel to the fire since their fundamentals were wrong and the only fundamentals they know is how to lie to Canadians in order to stay in power



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