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加拿大央行意外降息75基点至1.5% 为50年最低 (水城百事)

by beebo, Tuesday, December 09, 2008, 13:48

OTTAWA (AFP) - The Bank of Canada slashed its key interest rate Tuesday by 0.75 percentage points to 1.50 percent in a move to fire up growth, saying the global economic turmoil had pushed Canada into recession.


"The outlook for the world economy has deteriorated significantly and the global recession will be broader and deeper than previously anticipated," the central bank said in a statement after cutting its overnight rate.

"Global financial markets remain severely strained. Measures taken by major governments are beginning to encourage credit flows, although it will take some time before conditions in financial markets normalize."

The Canadian central bank said the economy was contracting as part of a worldwide slowdown.

"While Canada's economy evolved largely as expected during the summer and early autumn, it is now entering a recession as a result of the weakness in global economic activity."

The recession call came even though the Canadian economy grew 0.3 percent in the third quarter.

The rate cut was larger than market expectations of a half-point reduction.

"With the loss of support from consumers and domestic demand, tanking trade amid the global downturn, and low commodities prices prompting resource industries to scale back capital spending, the central bank decided to deliver a deep monetary stimulus by slashing its target rate to its lowest in 50 years," said economist Bodhi Ganguli at Economy.com.

"The bank now expects the global recession to be broader and deeper than previously expected implying depressed demand for Canada's export sector."

The central bank in October trimmed a quarter-point from its overnight rate target at its last meeting policy-setting meeting and a half-point in a concerted action with the Federal Reserve and other major central banks.

Central banks around the world continue to slash interest rates in the face of the deepening financial turmoil. Last week the European Central Bank cut its benchmark cost of borrowing by a record 0.75 percentage points to 2.50 percent as the 15-nation eurozone faced its first recession, and the Bank of England cut a full point, taking its key rate to 2.0 percent, a level last seen in World War II and its immediate aftermath.

The Canadian central bank move also comes amid a political crisis in Ottawa which led to the suspension of the federal parliament last week, blocking any economic recovery plan until the end of January.

"The bank will continue to monitor carefully economic and financial developments in judging to what extent further monetary stimulus will be required to achieve the 2.0 percent inflation target over the medium term," the Bank of Canada said.

Dawn Desjardins, assistant chief economist at RBC Economics Research, said the central bank is leaving the door open to further cuts until growth is revived.

"Policymakers did not close the door to providing support through additional rate cuts," she said.

"However the tone in today's statement hints of some confidence that the accommodative level of monetary policy and liquidity provisions will be sufficient for the Canada's economy to emerge from the current economic slowdown."



by winte, Tuesday, December 09, 2008, 19:43 @ beebo

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by firefox, Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 19:54 @ winte

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我现在是Prime - 1.05, 如果Prime 降到1.05以下, 银行还的给我钱?

by pm, Thursday, December 11, 2008, 13:43 @ firefox

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by wii, Thursday, December 11, 2008, 15:59 @ pm

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by abre, Thursday, December 11, 2008, 21:29 @ wii

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果然商业只跟50个基本点. ZT:加拿大六大银行不一致降息:“引爆”众怒

by beebo, Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:01 @ firefox

继加拿大六大银行未跟随央行降低主要利率75个基准点而是50个后,周二晚上,32岁的房屋业主Patrick Novak便在网上发起了一个叫“加拿大各大银行应同步降息”(Pass on Rate Cuts Canadian Banks)的网站,呼吁向来冷淡的加拿大人站起来反对。

作为银行股票持有者,Novak可以从六大银行和央行步调不一致中获利,但是作为五年制浮息按揭(variable rate mortgage)消费者,他担心央行大举降息的策略并不能启动经济的发展。

Panagiotis (Pete) Korogonas,31岁,金融分析师,居住在卡尔加里(Calgary),网站刚成立不久便加入进来。Korogonas表示,虽然银行确实面临着不断升高的财务费用,但是如今消费者才更为痛苦。

Novak和Korogonas只是这场“愤波”中的其中两人,目前加拿大消费者协会(Consumers' Association of Canada)已经接到了数百个抱怨电话,消费者“异常愤怒”,他们担心六大银行的行为会顿挫央行此次的货币政策。

自由党国会议员麦提格(Dan McTeague)表示其内部同僚也是极为不满。他称,加财长费海提(Jim Flaherty)应该采取更多措施以保证消费者和各商业的利益,使他们在渥太华政府支助银行借贷能力的时候能够获得足够贷款。

费海提发言人Chisholm Pothier回应称,加拿大银行系统具有“公开性和竞争性”,联邦政府不能对银行指令其商业决策。但政府最近实施的购买银行房屋抵押贷款坏账政策和贷款保险政策都是为了消费者和商业公司更容易获得贷款,目前还在密切监控其实效性。但是,Pothier并没有指出衡量这个实效性的标准或者是期限。

多伦多大学(University of Toronto)罗特曼管理学院(Rotman School of Management)金融学教授Laurence Booth称,隔夜利率和各大银行的各种利率间,包括股本金、长期贷款、中期债券、储蓄系统和货币市场等不都是有直接关系的,所以该些利率根本不会紧随隔夜利率变化而变化。换言之,消费者和商业获得贷款的容易度还是没有太大变化。

多伦多道明银行(Toronto Dominion Bank)发言人回应称,影响银行降低主要利率50个基准点的决策有众多因素,包括竞争格局、央行的隔夜利率、市场状况及银行成本等等。



by abre, Saturday, December 13, 2008, 18:28 @ beebo

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其实当前是Prime - 1 的银行已经不赚钱了

by banking, Thursday, December 18, 2008, 15:42 @ abre

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by lol, Tuesday, January 06, 2009, 13:48 @ banking

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by ads, Tuesday, January 06, 2009, 22:21 @ lol

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我现在的mortgage是利率是2.6 = 3.5-0.9, 而我TD的GIC 3年期是4.5, 正赚钱ing

by log, Monday, January 12, 2009, 21:05 @ ads

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by winter, Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 18:16 @ log

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